Thursday 14 May 2009

"Give me the sixty-five, I'm on the job."*

Apologies to anyone who had passed through this blog before. In honor of my first proper day as dad-in-charge (and because I just didn't really like any of the stuff I had written here previously) I've decided on a complete reboot.

Sprog Wrangler 2.0

Before I go any further, perhaps I should say a little about myself and the other cast-members of this blog. I am Sprog Wrangler, a thirty-something dad of two. Together with my partner, The Honourable Lady General Sir Mrs Wrangler, we are the parents of an often delightful set of twins. Alien and Bacon Wrangler. A month and a half ago I left a 14 year career as a video game developer in order to become a stay-at-home dad. As of today The Honourable Mrs W is back at the coal-face, and I am officer-on-deck during the day.

So far it seems to be going smoothly. The first day has been pretty good, although that could just be because the boys are taking their time to properly engineer my baptism of fire (or vomit and poo, given the materials they have to work with). There have already been some days in the last six weeks where Hon. Mrs W. has been out for the morning or afternoon, as well as a couple of full days back at the office to ease herself back in gently. This means I'm not entirely without practice before being left on my own. Added to that, we are starting the first week on a Thursday, so I only have to make it through another day before reinforcements arrive for the weekend.

You may notice I have changed some names. It's not because anyone is particularly innocent.

Mainly it's because I can...

And it amuses me.

* Bonus points if you can name the movie I'm quoting in the title of this post.